The Experience

  • You have a black-furred pet and have trouble seeing details of them in pictures.
  • You want adorable portraits of your pets, but don’t have the technical camera skills.
  • There A MILLION pictures of your pet on your phone, and none on your walls.
  • You are concerned about taking your dog off leash in public for pictures.
  • Your high energy pet doesn’t sit still for pictures.

If you agreed with any of these statements, OKKat Photography is the pet photographer for you! OKKat Photography works with you to design a custom portrait session for your pet(s) with your input, unique style, and home decor in mind. I’ll help you with every stage of the process from designing your session, to helping you choose only the images you absolutely love, and hand delivering your beautiful finished artwork into your hands.

Your pets are the beating heart of my business. Because I’m a pet photographer first and foremost, I not only know the tricks and tips to create incredible images with four-legged subjects, but I’ll also love and adore your precious animals–it’s just who I am.

Digital files are an important part of modern photography, and it is common for photographers to offer them as an option for their clients. However, it’s important to create tangible artwork that can be displayed and enjoyed in the home. This is especially appealing to those who value the beauty and timeless quality of physical prints and who want to create a meaningful and lasting tribute to their pets. By offering a range of products and services that allow you to choose the best way to display and enjoy your pet portraits, I ensure you get the best possible experience from your portrait session.

I am committed to offering a range of high-quality print products created by skilled artisans and designed to stand the test of time. By offering products made using premium materials and techniques, you know you’re getting the best value for your investment and that you can enjoy your portraits for years to come.

The Process

Step 1
Scheduled your no obligation Meet & Greet appointment here!

Step 2
Bring your pet to the studio for your Meet & Greet appointment. Your pet can check out the studio while we visit about your pet photography needs and if OKKat Photography is the right pet photographer for you. We can discuss things like the colors in your home, where you might hang your portraits, and what unique features of your pet you most want to see in portraits.

Step 3
The Session. This is where the magic happens! Leave all worries and expectations at the door and just enjoy the experience. Your pets only job is to be themselves! Chaos and fun at every click!

Step 4
The Ordering Appointment when you see your much-anticipated images! Choose your favorites, and I’ll walk you through the options as you decide how you’ll most enjoy your images, often through a combination of wall art, images boxes, and digital files.

Step 5
Elation! Pickup your order from the studio. You can’t stop smiling as you enjoy your gorgeous new artwork! Delivery also available for orders over $1,000.00.