#2 Super Quick Photography Tip
If you read no further, this is the tip in a nutshell: shoot what you love. If you want a wee bit more detail, stay with me for a few minutes. I won’t keep you long, I promise.
To get the best possible photographs you can, whether those are people portraits, nature landscapes, or anything in between… shoot what you love, and do it as often as you can.
If you love your kids and your pets and the sunrise over the pond in your backyard, take pictures of those things. Separately, or together if you can pull it off! If you live in the city and love the mountains, take road trips and pictures as often as you can manage it.
Take pictures of those favorite loved things in different kinds of light, at different times of the year, in different places, with different cameras, when you’re in different moods. There is no wrong time or way to capture your passions visually.
I recently updated my About Page to reflect my why. Why I have a photography business, how I got where I am now, and what I want to provide my clients. The story that’s not told there is that it’s a constantly growing and changing thing. What I love to capture with my camera shifts over time–some days animals are the worst possible subjects!–and it will for you too, but the best way to get better, is to keep doing it, and it’s easiest to keep doing if we do it with the things we love most. Follow your passions, even as they change, and photograph them as often as you–and they–can stand it, and your photography will get better and better and better. I truly believe mine has, and is improving much more quickly now that I finally remembered my why.
If you DON’T know what you love… photograph all the things that interest you until something comes bubbling up to the top as a preferred subject. Review your pictures in your phone every now and then and see if you notice any trends.
If you stuck around to the end of this little missive, yay! I hope you love taking pictures. I hope you love your subjects. And I hope your photography journey takes you where you love the pictures you take of things you love.